Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The little things in life that make me smile!!

Sometimes the littlest things in life can make me happy! When I was out shopping yesterday I stopped by my favorite scrapbook store. They are carrying a line of products called SMASH. If you are a creative/crafty girl like me, you will love this stuff! On this trip I only bought the dual end pin and gluestick. I had seen it on u-tube several months ago and have been waiting for them to get it in. It goes along with a whole line of really fun products. Check out the link and watch the video...I have watched it several times just because it makes me smile. I also got some cute tabs. I didn't buy the notebook yet because I didn't have my coupon with me, but plan on it on my next trip in.

Gluestick end

Pin end

Cute tabs

Monday, May 30, 2011

Help for Joplin

I should be in bed right now, but I  decided to put together my hygiene bags for Joplin. I found several things at the dollar tree and then the rest at Wal-mart. It turned out to be only about $8.00 a bag. I may still add some extra stuff and a verse or a quote.
My church is going on Thursday to take down supplies and do clean up and whatever else  is needed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Church service and old fashioned picnic

Today our church had servicee at one of the members homes and then we had a good old fashioned church picnic. People brought their lawn chairs and the choir brought their instruments. The weather turned out to be beautiful and the food delicous.
Pastor giving the sermon

The church member has a baseball field in his back yard. It's amazing!!
Pastor playing some ball

This is the home of the church member. It was built in the 1800"s...I love it!

My littles wanting to take a spin.

Vollyball with daddy.

 It was a fun day for eveyone!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Todays progress,,,

 Yeah!! I have a roof!! It is strating to take shape!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rain Rain go away!!

It's been slow going on the porch this week. The rain has made it hard to get very far. We are suposed to have two full days of sun...I will keep my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Help for Joplin Missouri

If you have been watching the news lately you would have seen all the devastation in a small town called Joplin. We live only a few hours from Joplin and have relatives that live outside of town. It has been so sad to watch all the heartbreak of the people that live there. My church is taking a trip down next week to help with clean up and whatever else is needed. If you read this blog and would like to help here are a few things you can do.
Joplin Disaster Relief

To make other material donations please visit our FAQ page for more information on how to do so. If you are unable to deliver the below items to Annual Conference please see the list of additional drop off sites at the bottom of this page.


five-gallon bucket with re-seal able lid

1 dry laundry detergent, 50-78 oz.

1 roll heavy-duty trash bags, 24 to 28 count (30-45 gallon) ( remove from box)

1 bottle liquid concentrated house-hold cleaner (like Lysol®), 12 oz.

1 bottle liquid antibacterial dish soap, (like Dawn®), 25 oz.

Clothesline, two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.

50 clothes pins

1 scrub brush (remove packaging)

1 pair work gloves

2 pairs latex gloves (like Playtex®)

7 sponges, assorted sizes

5 scouring pads

18 cleaning towels, (reusable, like Easy Wipes® NO Cotton towels)

5 dust  mask

1 bottle insect repellent (drops or lotion, not aerosol) 6-14 oz.

Please purchase all liquids in plastic bottles. Send only new, unopened materials. Make sure lids on bottles are tightly closed. Put all items in the plastic bucket, making sure they are packed securely to avoid damage during shipment. Seal lid with packing tape.


1 fluoride toothpaste, 6 oz. or more

1 washcloth

1 toothbrush in original, unopened pkg.

1 bath-size bar of soap

1 deodorant

1 bottle skin lotion (11-14 oz.)

1 hand towel

1 bottle shampoo (11-14 oz.)

2 disposable razors

1 comb or brush

Tighten lids and place all items in a large zip lock bag (2-gallon size works best). (2 or 2.5 gallon bags have been found at the following stores: full line grocery stores and Target.) Place zip locks in boxes labeled "Personal Hygiene Pack." Please also mark the quantity on the outside of each box.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Phase 1 complete...

Brandon completed phase 1 of the renovation yesterday. He instaled two more windows. The big arched on is the one I have been waiting for. It changes the look of the house so much. Today he will start phase 2, which is the new porch...I am giddy with excitment over this. I just hope and pray he can get it done before his vacation is up.

The new window...can not get this picture to rotate

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Church today...

It's been such a busy two weeks around here it was nice to go to church for some quiet reflection. Today the pastor talked about carving out time for prayer and being more humble in our life. Reflecting on the last few months I have done nothing but run. My 18 year graduated from high school and there was so much to do during that time. So, my plan is for the summer is  to carve out a little time everyday for some quiet time to study, pray or reflect.

Speaking of church ...here is ours...
I love our little church! We don't have a very large congregation but it is perfect for us. The church it's self is beautiful, it was built in the late 1800's .

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I love a good weenie roast!!

I know it seems silly, but there is just something special about gathering my familty around a fire with a stick and a hotdog that  makes me happy. Weenie roast are something that we have done in our family since I was a kid. We always try to have one or two each spring and fall. It's just simple fun.
Good times
 with the family
Grandpa giving some hotdog cooking advice

Kids playing vollyball
All four of my kids playing together. This doesn't get to happen to often anymore because everyone is so busy. 

This is how we roll!!
 This was so funny, my husband had hooked the wagon up to the lawn mower to bring stuff down to the lower yard. Well, the girls thought it would be great fun to go for a spin.

Renovations to out side of the house...phase 1

 OK, so let me get you up to date on what has been happening with our house. We bought this house almost two years ago on foreclosure. It was in a great location and had some land with it. This was very important to my husband. he loves hunting, gardening and pretty much anything to do with the outdoors. I liked it because it was big enough to fit our family and it has room to add on a kitchen on the back. One thing I didn't like was the front exterior. It had two large columns and a tiny brick porch. I have always dreamed of having a large front porch to have a porch swing,wicker furniture and rocking chairs.Since this will  be our last house for many years I was disappointed that I would not get my porch. Well, after a little measuring and figuring, Brandon  decided he could build one for me. It is going to take him much of the summer to complete it (he is doing it by himself) but it will be nice when it's done. So, here is Phase 1...tearing off all the old siding and replacing all of the windows. This week he is taking off a week from work to work on it. I will post more photos soon.

Removing the columns and the siding.
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