Saturday, June 26, 2010
Celebrating Summer Solstice...Mid Summers Nights Dream...A party for the fairies!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Trip to Farmers Market
A little friend the boys found...
Goodwill Hunting

OMG....Is that a TV/VCR
OMG...does that say only's so mine!!
Cute glass candle holder...only 99 cents! cute are these? I don't usually buy used shoes, but these had never been worn. How could I pass up cute sandles for 3.99....again why do people get rid of such cute stuff??
Thursday, June 10, 2010
An old fashioned "Kids Day" and small town liven!
One of the great things about living in a small town is the types of activities that are available for families to do. We went to "Kids Day" on Saturday at our down town park. It had a cowboy theme with all kinds of activities. We only have about 1500 residents in the area but we have been blessed with three beautiful parks. All of them have been updated within the past 2 years. This park is in the middle of our down town area...walking distance from everything. It has a gazebo, an area to cook, and a play area. It is one of those places that just makes you feel happy and like you have stepped back in time. It's funny because the whole town feels that way...everything moves just a little slower. You have the time to take it all in and enjoy whats around you. I took that for granted when I was growing up. After living in the city for many years with neighbors who don't know me and with people who are always in a hurry, I feel so blessed to be home again!!!
Here is the gazebo where they did popcorn and crafts.
Pony Rides...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Night at the "Drive In" and Sonic...YUM!
If you have never been before I highly recommend it.We got there a little early and we were able to relax and check out the stars. The littles thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. It was a beautiful night...only about 70 degrees, towards the end we were almost cold. The littles were able to run around and not be confined to a chair. Some people had brought small grills and were cooking out, other people had brought footballs and were tossing them around.
It was great fun for about 16 under 4 get in free...and this is for two movies. We will probably go again in the fall when it cools down again.

Being silly!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My love affair with Iced Tea!

About six months ago I decided to give up coke, that was one of the hardest things for me to do ever. I was so addicted to it. Well, due to health reasons and just straight out sugar content I decided to switch to tea. I have always drank tea, but most of the time bought it in the bottle. Well, let me tell you nothing is as good as brewing it yourself. It is my summer time drink of choice.
Here is an article that I found on how to brew tea. I drink mine without any sugar and use the traditional brew style to make it.
How to Brew Iced Tea
By: Rachel Mork
If the only iced tea you drink is from a bottle you bought at the grocery store-or worse, a can-you'll be sorry you never learned how to brew iced tea before now. Home brewed iced tea is refreshing, invigorating and best of all, there are so many variations of this classic summertime beverage you can tantalize your taste buds while you're taking in the natural health benefits of the antioxidants that occur naturally in tea.
Iced Tea FavoritesWhile there are several different methods for brewing iced tea, the three most common types of tea people brew at home are unsweetened iced tea, sweet tea and sun tea. For each of these, you'll need the basics: boiling water, tea leaves or tea bags and a glass pitcher. Then, depending on which tea strikes your fancy, you'll adjust the proportions and add additional ingredients as directed.
Classic Unsweetened Iced TeaClassic iced tea is brewed using black (and sometimes orange pekoe) tea. It is brewed without sweetener and served with lemon in tall iced tea glasses. Sugar or artificial sweeteners are offered on the side to be mixed in after the tea has been brewed, cooled and poured over ice.
Traditional Brew:Heat eight cups of water to boiling. Once the water has reached a boil, remove from the heat and let the boil settle. Place eight tea bags (one per cup of water) in a glass pitcher and pour the water over the bags. Let steep for ten minutes.
Remove the tea bags from the pitcher and let the tea cool to room temperature (if you're impatient, you can put the pitcher in the refrigerator). When the tea has cooled, add an equal amount of ice (less or more, if you prefer) and pour into tall iced glasses. Garnish with a wedge of lemon and offer sweetener on the side.
Sun Brew:Sun tea is iced tea that has been brewed using the solar power of the sun. Simply put tea bags into a large glass jar with a cover and add water (one cup per tea bag). Seal the jar to keep tea from contaminants then, place the container outdoors in the sun for an hour or more. The sun rays will brew the tea, making delicious iced tea in a short period of time. Sun tea is often more mellow and smooth in flavor than teas that have been brewed with hot water.
Sweet TeaSweet tea is the go-to iced tea of the Southern part of the United States. This tea is unique in that copious amounts of sugar are cooked into black (orange pekoe) tea before it cools, turning the entire tea into a sugar-and-tea-leaf simple syrup. The tea syrup is reconstituted with water to taste, then served over ice with a wedge of lemon.
To Brew:Heat four cups of water to boiling. Add one cup of sugar and ten tea bags to the boiling water. Remove from heat and allow the tea to steep in the syrup for 20 to 60 minutes.
Remove tea bags and allow the tea syrup to come to room temperature. Pour this mixture over a generous amount of ice (a gallon-sized pitcher is best). Add water to reconstitute the mixture to achieve the amount of sweetness you desire. Serve this iced tea with lemon.
Green Iced TeaGreen iced tea is making headlines today because of the amazing health benefits attributed to drinking this delicious beverage. Green tea is typically brewed using a cold water process so as to preserve all the health benefits. It is usually sweetened with honey, sugar or an artificial sweetener and is often combined with ginseng or other herbs or citrus fruit flavors.
To Brew:Begin by doubling the number of tea bags recommended on the tea box for the suggested amount of water per cup of tea. For example, if the box recommends one bag per 6 oz. cup to tea, you'd use 16 bags to yield 48 oz.of iced green tea.
Place tea bags in a sealable, glass container and pour the cold water over them. Seal the container and place in the refrigerator for 45 minutes. Serve over ice and offer sweetener on the side.
Iced Tea Variations
Flavored Iced Tea. Flavored iced teas are available in several forms. Some are made from classic iced tea with the addition of flavored syrups (both sugar-free and sugar-based). Others are made with both natural and artificial flavorings that are either added to the tea leaves or created by the addition of other herbs and fruit pieces to the tea mix. These teas are brewed and served over ice, often garnished with a slice of citrus fruit or corresponding herb, like mint.
Herbal Iced Tea. Herbal teas don't have the strong flavor of other teas (technically, herbal teas aren't teas at all as they don't come from the Camellia sinensis plant, but as their name implies, herbs).
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Frugal living

- Check out you cell phone service, many times you can have charges that you don't know about or don't realize you are being charged for. I recently figured out that I can have up to 10 people on my friends/family list. I could add anyone from any phone company...home or cell. I was able to add all of the people we call on a regular basis and reduce my minutes which saved me 25.00 a month. Which some people may say "well 25.00 isn't that much", but if someone handed you 25.00 would you throw it away? On the other hand I know hard core fungals may say just don't have a cell phone at all. It's your comfort level.
- We choose not to have a home phone when we moved to this house. At first I wasn't happy about this but I found that I rarely needed it. Most everyone I call is on my list and I saved another 30.00 a month by not having one. One draw back is that if you forget to charge your phone or loose it. I do these on a regular basis. My phone is small and I am always laying it down in high spot so the Little's won't get it. That can be frustrating.
- Health don't even want to get me started on this one. You have to have health insurance there is no question about that, but you really need to investigate what you are paying for. You may get insurance through your work and be paying way more than what you would pay on a private plan. You may be a healthy person and never go to the doctor, but be paying a premium that has you being able to go to the doctor an unlimited amount of times. There are plans out there that you can see a doctor 5 times a year and you will save a ton a money a month.You would be surprised at how much you can save by making small changes in your plan. I find most people don't even know what they are paying for. They will throw money at a something because it makes them fell safe. You are better off having a higher deductible every month and putting the difference in you savings account. Now the trick is to do it and have self discipline not to spend the money.
OK those are a few easy ones, now I will give you some hard ones....
- Turn off you cable and use a converter box. Do you know most people spend 40.00 to 100.00 a month on cable. I know what you are thinking...NO WAY!! Let me tell you ...this has been one of the hardest thongs for me to do. I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE ...T.V. and I still miss it. We have not had cable for a year now. We live far enough out in the country that we can't get regular cable or road runner. We have to have a special service that cost an arm and a leg. So we opted not to have it turned on. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not going to sit hear an tell you it made my family all come together and spend T.V. free nights together. Actually they spent more time at their friends houses watching their T.V. BUT we have been able to pay off debt and bills that money would have just been lost. I have found that PBS does have some great shows that I would have NEVER watched if I would have had cable.
- DON'T BUY NEW CARS!! Oh so many of my friends have fallen into this trap. What is it about people that they get so obsessed with their cars. I have a friend who got into an accident this winter and her insurance company considered her car totaled. They paid her a sum of around $7000.00 for the car. Instead of buying another car for 7000.00 she went and bought a brand new car for 30,000.00 Yes it does have a sun roof and leather interior, but in her situation it was not the wises choice. She only works part time, is in debt and has no health insurance. She would have been better off putting her money towards her debt or health insurance. Again these are the hard ones...I know that It seems like a great idea at the time but in the long run you will pay for it.
Now for some super simple fun ones...
- Make your own gifts and cards. So many people tell me that they are not creative so they can't do this, but there are so many blogs on the web that give you step by step instructions on how to make stuff. Most of my friends are so impressed by getting something handmade.
- Invest a little into some kid craft kids love to make simple crafts. Don't go buy expensive kits, just pick up some large bottles of kid friendly paints, some brushes, and anything they can paint on. My Little's love to paint, I just cut shapes out of card board and they will spend a hour painting.
- Buy movies on VHS at the thrift store...yes I said Tapes to use in a VCR. I know they take up more room, but they are so much more durable than DVDS. We recently bought 7 movies for 1.oo each and my kids have watched them over and over. I don't have to worry about scratching them. There are also some many older movies that I forgot were even around. My Little's have loved this!
Well, I think that's it for today, I want to add to these as I think of I'm sure I will revisit this post again.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Let the renovations begin...