Here in the mid west it is one of the best months of the year. The weather is usually very nice during this month....60's and 70's. This is a great time to be doing things out side.
Here are some suggestions of things to do to enjoy the weather:

Camping...we are planning a short camping trip to our local lake/park in the first week of April. My kids are on spring break that week. We are going to a lake/park that is only about a half an hour away, but it is really pretty and relaxing. Look around your area, you don't have to travel long distances to have a good time. If you are not a camper, try going when the weather is a little cool...it makes sleeping more comfortable. I will another post on tips for camping later.
Fishing...all my kids love to go fishing...even my seventeen year old daughter, who is the girly girl you will ever meet.

Weenie roast...This may be a country thing, but we always had these when I was growing up. Usually in the early spring and in the fall. All you do is start a small fire...of course this is easier in the country. If you live in the city, you can use an outdoor fire pit. Then grab some hot dogs and marshmallows to cook. Again we grew up in the country so we would use a willow branch to stick our hot dogs on but you can buy metal ones to use too.
Picnic in the park
Fly a kite

Plant some flower or vegetable seeds....If you don't have room for a garden, use a flower pot.
Plant a tree...this in National Arbor day month
Do a walking tour of your town...take pictures of the different buildings to help you children remember what they look like.
Catch lighting bugs...they have cute bug houses at the dollar store...or do what we did as kids...use a mason jar and punch holes in the lid.
We can't forget Easter...I will do another post, this one is getting a little long!!
I hope this inspires you to get out and enjoy the weather.
I love my willow branch lights, they are so beautiful, found them here: Willow Branch Lights
Those ideas ALL sound great, I can't wait!
Wonderful ideas! :)
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