We had planned on taking a short camping trip, but the weather here was cold and rainy here all week. We ended up just taking the kids to the lake instead for the day. I can't say that I was disappointed...my husband is the camper. He and my son are Boy Scouts and love to camp out. I have learned to endure it for their sakes. I have found that doing silly things like bringing pretty table clothes and pretty plates make it a little more fun for me. It ended up being a beautiful day...perfect weather. I had planned to do several activities, because I knew the toddlers attention span would keep us running. My husband and the kids fished...even the princess. I kept the toddles out of the water.
We also had a cook out. My husband wanted to cook sometime special...we just couldn't do hot dogs and call it a day. Oh No...he has to do it up good. So, he grilled chicken wings, roasted corn on the cob and potato's. He was doing really good preparing for all of this, getting there and setting up. When he went to light the charcoal he realized that he had forgot to bring a lighter. Don't you think I had a hay day with that one...the Boy Scout who is always prepared forgot the lighter. He had to drive up the road a mile or two to find one....this is only after he had asked all the other people fishing around us and then tried to light a napkin with the cigarette lighter in the van. We did finally get our food cooked. It was all very good. My mom also joined us for lunch. She lives close to the lake, so she popped over and ate with us.
We then took the kids to the play area...my teenage son had as much fun as the toddlers did playing in the sand and swinging....I think he was reliving his childhood.
My daughter spent her time reading and getting some sun....she ended up getting a terrible sunburn.
My Husband and little one taking a rest.
My son flying through the air after jumping out of the swing.
Big brother teaching little brother hoe to fish.
Easter morning...just a side note...all of their clothes came from Target clearence over the last couple of months...except for my teenage sons shoes. I got everything they are wearing...shoes, coat, socks, tie, dress everything for around 100.00 dollars. My daughters coat was 37.oo, which is her winter coat...I guess I shouldn't count that in their Easter budget...so for about 63.00 dollars. Not to bad if I do say so!!

OH...I almost forgot...we are thinking about moving back to our home town, but we need to sell our house first. We have a ton of stuff to do before we put it on the market. We hope to do it with in the next couple of weeks. You may not here from me much...I have a lot of cleaning, decluttering and painting to do. Wish me luck!!